Netacradle @ Singapore

The Oasis Living Lab

At our Singapore campus, our primary focus lies in the realm of Urban Water and Farming research. Our overarching goal revolves around identifying the optimal farming methodologies that cater to the unique demands of a tropical climate. Singapore, marked by limited land availability, elevated temperatures, and high humidity, serves as an ideal setting for our explorations. We pride ourselves in housing the most advanced Agricultural Living Lab on a global scale.

Within our campus, we've established a comprehensive operational cycle that spans from the initial stages of seed germination to the final point of market distribution. Our educational endeavors are dedicated to equipping learners with the prowess to harness sustainable and digital technologies to maximize yields while minimizing resource consumption. Through this approach, we cultivate premium-quality, high-yield greens that enter the market with a competitive edge in terms of pricing.

Our campus extends beyond education; it operates as a dynamic platform for research. Collaborating with both local and international universities, we actively engage in co-creating innovative solutions to tackle the pressing challenges of Food Security and Storm Water Management in tropical environments.